Good Morning My Soul Sisters and Soul Brothers!
Today as always, I am Grateful for another chance to open my eyes and breathe in rich oxygenating air.. Air that vibrates throughout my being- filling up and nourishing every particle of MY creation...
I wanted to talk to you all about a realization I had yesterday, an epiphany if you will- because it shook me to my core being.
As I step deeper and deeper into my energy work, and natural healing modalities, I am driven closer to my true path.. A walk I have always walked- yet now It beams to define me... I like many other powerful women I know, have stepped into the role of healing the Masculine- not only our boys and Men but the Masculine energetic as a whole... An undertaking of Grand magnitude as the equilibrium and frequency of Earth's energetic sphere is dangerously out of balance..
So what does that look like? My Belief is this
Step 1-Acceptance. First and formost we must Love and accept ourselves for the unique beings that we are. Women have taken on the baklash of Society for far too long.. We were put on earth in this exact shape, this exact color, this exact everything to best fulfill our Lives Path, stop being distracted by comparison. We are powerful creatures who bring life into this world and once we stop letting society define us.. our Truths WILL be seen.
Step 2-By Allowing our feminine essence to penetrate deep into the souls of mankind and facilitate healing from the inside out. Lifting the veil of insecurities man has accumulated over time and past generational woundings. Choosing to Love them and every being unconditionally... Giving power to the vibration of LOVE and knowing that Love is and will always be the answer, not war not destruction not EGO.
Hurt people hurt people...I have witnessed men and women who lacked a relationship with their SELF, and the deep scar-tissue it has created within all of our hearts. In witness to Physical and emotional abuse, neglect, abandonment...all of those ugly words that we as a society shy away from...I see and feel these deep holes that have created within our bodies, and I seek to help close these bleeding wounds... So I ask you all this....Are there any Brave Soul Sisters and Brothers who are willing to walk the walk?